





Are you learning English everyday or every day? Are you satisfied with your English skills already or all ready? Look at the words written in bold, which is which? Admit it or not, most of us who are learning the language tend to be confused about which form to use in our sentences.

Although both word forms really exist but they do have different functions in a sentence. We sometimes misused these words without even noticing it, thinking that it’s correct and continue using it now. This is one of the common errors that occur in our writing.

We do have words that can be written in two forms namely; the ONE-WORD form and the TWO-WORD form but they mean differently. The ONE-WORD form functions as an adverb, an adjective, or a pronoun while the TWO-WORD form is a phrase that is usually used as an adjective, an adverb, and a noun.

Here are 10 common words that can be written in both forms

英語を毎日(everyday or every day)勉強していますか? 自分の英語スキルにすでに満足していますか?(already or all ready?)この英語を見てどちらが正しいと思いますか? 多くの人が、どちらの表現を使っていいのか混乱した経験があると思います。




1.Already or All ready?

AlreadyとAll readyの違い

Already is an adverb that is used to describe something that has happened previously or by this time while All ready is a phrasal adjective which means completely prepared.

All readyは「完全に準備されていることを意味する助動詞」ですが、Alreadyは、「過去または今現在までに起こったことを説明するために使用される副詞]です。

Ex) I’ve already prepared all our things for the trip, and we are all ready to go.


2.Altogether or All together?

Altogether is an adverb which means completely, entirely, or totally while All together is a phrase which means all in a group or all at once.

Altogetherは「完全に」、「全てが」、「完璧に」などを表す副詞です。一方、All togetherは「グループの中に全てがある、全てが一つにある」という意味のフレーズです。

Ex) Michelle saved ₱5,000 altogether for two months and spent it all together with her family during his father’s birthday.


3.Apart or A part?

ApartとA partの違い

Apart is used as an adverb, indicating a separation between two or more things or people at a specified distance from each other in time or space while A part is a phrase that denotes a portion of a larger whole.

Apartは、「時間や空間において、指定された距離にある2つ以上の物」、または「人の間のスペースのことを意味する副詞」です。一方の、A partは「より大きな全体の一部を表す」フレーズです。

Ex) Even though we’re already apart because she needed to live abroad, she will forever be a part of my life.


4.Everyday or Every day?

EverydayとEvery dayの違い

Everyday is used as an adjective that means common or ordinary which modifies a noun while Every day is an adverb that is used to express how often something is done, and it also means “each day.”

Everydayは「名詞を修飾するもの」、または「普通を意味する形容詞」として使用されます。一方のEvery dayは、「何かが行われる頻度を表すために使用される副詞」です。

Ex) I wear my everyday uniform and shoes in going to school every day.


5.Everyone or Every one?

Everyone is a pronoun which means everybody that refers to a group of people as a whole while Every one is a phrase used to emphasize a single individual or item.

Everyoneは、「グループ全体の人間のことをいう代名詞」です。一方のEvery oneは、「個人や個々のアイテムを挿す」フレーズです。

Ex) Mom bought some pizza for everyone, and every one got 2 slices.


6.Overtime or Over time?

OvertimeとOver timeの違い

Overtime is a noun that usually refers to extra hours worked or an extended time working or doing something while Over time is an adverb phrase that describes something which happens gradually.

Overtimeは「残業や時間を超えても働く意味合いを持つ名詞」として使われます。一方のOver timeは、「徐々に起こることを説明する副詞」です。

Ex) Over time, I realized that working overtime in a row can cause harm to our health.


7.Anyway or Any way?

Anyway is a common adverb used to mean “in any case,” or it appears in place of regardless or despite what came before while Any way is an adjective-noun phrase that means “whichever path” or “in any manner.”

Anywayは、in any case(とにかく)など、過去に起こったことに関係なく、「それにもかかわらず、それの変わりに使える副詞」です。一方の、Any wayはwhichever path(どちらの道)、in any manner(どんな方法でも)といった「意味がある形容詞-名詞」です。

Ex) It was raining hard and I needed to arrive early at school, I thought of any way on how to get there. I paid more on a taxi but got there early anyway.


8.Anymore or Any more?

AnymoreとAny moreの違い

Anymore is an adverb that refers to time and is used to mean to “any longer,” while Any more functions as a determiner which refers to the quantity of something.

Anymoreは、「時間を指す副詞でありany longer(もう)という意味」があります。一方の、Any moreは、「何かの量を意味する限定詞」として機能します。

Ex) I don’t need any more books because I’m not interested in reading anymore.


9.Everything or Every thing?

Everything is a pronoun that refers to all items as a collective unit while Every thing is an adjective-noun phrase wherein ‘thing’ is a noun and ‘every’ is an adjective which suggests things as individual items or units.

Everythingは、「すべてのアイテムを集合単位として参照する代名詞」です。一方のEvery thingは、「thingは名詞everyは物事の個々のアイテムまたは単位として表す形容詞」です。

Ex) I own everything in this house and I want every thing to be displayed in its proper place.


10.Maybe or May be?

MaybeとMay beの違い

Maybe is used as an adverb which means perhaps or possibly while May be is a verb phrase wherein ‘may’ is a modal verb and ‘be’ is a main or auxiliary verb which refers to the probability of something occurring or something that might already exist.

Maybeは、「多分を意味する副詞」として使用されます。Mayはモーダル動詞(法助動詞:話手の気持ちを述べる助動詞)であり、「be」は主動詞または助動詞でMay beは「何かが発生する確率」、または「すでに存在する可能性のあるものを指します」。

Ex) Maybe no one will come to school today because of the heavy rain, there may be a typhoon coming.



Why is it important to learn about this? Well, I know many of us are using some of these words in our everyday conversation to socialize with others every day. Though this is not noticeable in speaking but rather in writing.

It’s for us to be aware on the correct usage of these words and not to make mistakes anymore. Now that you already know which form to use may it be a one word or two, you can share it to every one who needs to know about this because learning is best when you know how to share. Keep learning!








* Collaborative editing by CEGA’s staff and teacher Shaina