Continuing one’s studies abroad has become very trendy for several years. A lot of students have guaranteed that the journey did not just advance their knowledge but also helped them cultivate many skills. Here are some reasons why they endorse going overseas for further learning.
1. Learning a Different School System 他の学校のシステムを学べる
Individuals who study overseas can be familiar with diverse education styles. Students can understand the topic of their courses in a completely different way compared to their home country’s education program. This will allow them to compare and gather as much information as they want.
海外に留学する人は様々な教育スタイルを体験することができ、日本のやり方とは違う方法で勉強できます。 そのため、自国の教育システムと比較しながら、役に立つ情報を集めることが出来ます。これは教育産業に従事している、または働こうとしている人には特に刺激的で、新しい発見の機会になります。
2. Exploring the Globe 世界を旅できる
Studying abroad can let somebody see new lands, nature, museums and tourist spots. They can experience a brand-new country with amazing new attitudes, traditions and habits. When you are in a new nation, you can also travel the nearby countries too!
3. Expanding Worldview 視野を広げられる
When people study abroad, they will find extraordinary new foods, customs, and social way of communication. When they engage in the native culture’s unique way of life, they will have a better appreciation for the history of the host nation and its local people.
4. Enhancing Language Skills 生きた言語スキルの取得
To survive in a new country, students must learn to develop their language skills. Going out and interacting with the locals and other foreign visitors are good methods to increase a person’s language skills outside the academic environment.
5. Having Bigger Selection of Career Opportunities キャリアの選択肢が広がる
When learners finish their education abroad, they earn new ideas about different values and survived different lifestyles. They develop multilingual and adaptability skills. These traits are very helpful in searching for the best employment.
6. Discovering New Leisure Activities 新しい趣味が見つかる
A different country can also offer many new activities and interests that may not be available at home. There are some sports or activities that somebody can only do in a specific place. The chance to discover exciting new forms of entertainment is very thrilling. Free-diving, bungee jumping, mountain trekking are just a few examples of possible new accomplishments.
7. Meeting Lifetime Acquaintances 運命の出会い
Meeting new friends from different backgrounds is just one of the perks of studying in a foreign country. While studying abroad, foreign students can find accommodations with other students both local and international. This gives the opportunity to really get to know and create lasting relationships with your fellow learners. Most people stay in contact with international friends even after graduation. These friends can have a special bond and can also be potential important network associates in the future.
8. Gaining Personal Growth 自己成長できる
Staying in one’s home country can sometimes mean staying in comfort zones. Studying in another nation definitely brings out a person’s independent nature. A student obtains a certain level of maturity once they overcome such obstacles.
9. Acquiring a Life Experience 人生経験
Eventually, a student will find their career path, and they can look back on the memories they have gathered during this span of time. During this event, they don’t have so many commitments other than learning new cultures. It is truly a special kind of experience.
10. Becoming a Global Citizen グローバルな人材になる
Hearing about stories from faraway and foreign places is different from personally embarking on that adventure. Once people involve themselves in connecting to other cultures, it becomes a crucial part of their personality as a member of a global society. An internationally educated student will have a better understanding of how each of our actions affect the other parts of the world.
All of these things are very advantageous in a person’s progress and they can carry these memories for life. It is a very valuable prospect that one should take if there is an opportunity!
* Collaborative editing by CEGA’s staff and teacher Rhoda