Studying is important but too much of anything is bad. It is also very crucial to take time to relax once in a while. There are various scientists who claim that brief diversions improve focus. When we overwork our brains out, it usually cannot do its job well. There are more reasons to have a breather from time to time.
1.Enjoyment and Stability 楽しさと安定性
Studying is like sports. You have to go through consistent training to improve your skills. You have to stick to a routine and continuously enhance your abilities for your long-term goal.
Similar to sports, the people who keep on practicing become top athletes. They may not the best at first but if they never give up, they will achieve their goals in the future.
Taking English classes can be very tiring and sometimes boring. It can be too exhausting for the brain. A student should take some break so that the subject will still be interesting.
In life, we have to enjoy what we do so we can stick to it for a long time. Resting for a while can re-energize a person so they will not give up totally.
2.Memory Enhancement 記憶力の向上
Various Scientific studies have shown that our brain can only accept limited capacity to process information in a specific period of time. Too much memorization or doing too many tasks can result in what is known as “cognitive overload”.
In this situation, a learner is unable to accept more information because it is already beyond the person’s memory capacity.
Students are advised to do something else for the meanwhile. When they come back, they are more likely to be able to receive new information in a more comfortable manner.
3.Better Results 良い結果
The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. In summary, it is a kind of system that uses a timer to break down work, it is suggested to take a 5 minute break every 25 minutes of completing a task. The goal is to maintain focus and stay mentally fresh.
Research have shown that having short pauses between studying or working results to being more productive and the output quality is higher.
We usually feel that we are being lazy when we rest for a while but a lot of students and workers say that regular breaks will help people make better decisions because they can think clearly. This can help them innovate creative ideas and new solutions. Retaining information in memory is also achieved through this.
All in all, taking short breaks every now and then help you re-focus on your goals and increase the value of your production.
勉強、仕事、プライベート全てにおいてバランスが大切です。集中した後は適度な休憩、気分転換をしましょう。Take it easy! です。
* Collaborative editing by CEGA’s staff and teacher Rhoda