Nowadays, the internet is so commonly used that it has created its own kind of language. This type of communication is very casual. It shortens a lot of words which we call abbreviations. Most of it can also be misspelled or used incorrectly compared to formal English.
Here are some examples of commonly used ones nowadays:
Abbreviation 略語
- brb — be right back
- OMG — oh my God
- btw — by the way
- tmrw — tomorrow
- rn — right now
- g2g — got to go
- rly — really
- b4 — before
- R u — Are you
- C u — See you
- lol — laughing out loud
- DM — direct message
- FAQ — Frequently Asked Questions
Slang on the internet ネットスラング
As you can see from the internet slang terms written above, most of it take the first letters of each word from the original expressions. This is not always the case however because there are some terms or phrases which were developed online.
- Meme = It comes from the Greek word mimeme, meaning “something which is imitated”. It has become popular online as a picture which is edited with some catchy captions.
- Hashtag = Putting the hash symbol (#) before the keywords will help people tag and categorize their posts.
ハッシュタグ= キーワードの前にハッシュ記号(#)を付けると、投稿にタグを付けて分類するのに使われます。
- Noob = It may have come from the word “newbie” or a beginner of something. If someone does not know how to do something well yet, they can be called “noob” online.
ヌーブ = これは「初心者」という言葉や新参者という意味があります。誰かがまだ何かをうまくする方法を知らない場合、オンライン上では「noob」と呼ばれます。
- Photobomb = This can be used as a verb or as a noun. The definition is when someone or something unexpectedly appears when the picture is taken.
フォトボム= これは、名詞としても動詞としても使われます。写真を撮るときに、誰かや何かが不本意に偶然入ってしまい、またその人や物が本来の被写体よりインパクトがある時に使います。
- Meme = It comes from the Greek word mimeme, meaning “something which is imitated”. It has become popular online as a picture which is edited with some catchy captions.
These are just a few words and phrases that you can utilize in your online communication. Just remember that these are still considered casual and should not be included in business emails or formal office conferences. We must keep up with the times because after all, knowledge is power.
* Collaborative editing by CEGA’s staff and teacher Rhoda