Imagine yourself on a beach sitting on the sand while sun-bathing under a coconut tree and watching the breath-taking view of the sea. Is this how you imagine a tropical country?
If so, you’re not wrong. But you’re not right either. A tropical country is not always sunny. You have to think about typhoons, too. In the Philippines, we experience not less than 20 typhoons per year. We only have 2 seasons, the wet and the dry.
When you visit a tropical country, you always have to think about how to prepare for the sudden change of weather or temperature because things can be very unpredictable.
I recommend you to ALWAYS bring or use the following:
もしそうならそれは間違いではありませんが、正しいともいえません。南国はいつも晴れではありません。台風のことを考えなくてはいけないのです。フィリピン では、1年間に20回ほどの台風が起こります。フィリピンには乾季と雨季の2季しかありません。
1.Hat/Cap 帽子
If you’re the type of person who enjoys collecting hats or caps, then this is your chance to showcase them. These are very handy since they can be used when the sun is high up or when it starts to drizzle outside. What’s good about these, you can coordinate them with your OOTD (outfit of the day). Be sure to always have one in your bag wherever you go.
2.Umbrella 傘
Some people might be too lazy to carry an umbrella. In many cases, weather forecasts are not always accurate. So if you’re thinking of going somewhere and decides to leave your umbrella behind because the weather report says it’s a sunny day, that’s a big mistake. Always put an umbrella inside your bag. This is an even better protection than the hats and caps.
3.Waterproof Bags/Pouches 防水バッグ/ポーチ
Nowadays, there are many functional and stylish waterproof bags that can look good even under the sun. If you’re carrying important documents with you such as passports or any other things that you don’t like to get wet in the rain, I recommend you to use one of these.
4.Raincoats/Waterproof Jackets レインコート/防水ジャケット
Raincoats and waterproof jackets do the job for you. These come in all sorts of quality and style. You can have one with the best quality material but heavy and hot or the cheap one with the thinnest material but light and cool.
* Collaborative editing by CEGA’s staff and teacher Lilanny