What is sarcasm? 皮肉とは?
In general people use it to say the opposite of what is true or noticeable. This is mainly for humor. The purpose for this is usually to make someone feel or look foolish.
It is very common in some English speaking countries to make fun of someone. It can lead to confusion when you are still learning the language. British jokes are famous for being sarcastic even though they sound serious.
One example of this is when a CEO sees his employee just relaxing and not doing anything during office hours. The CEO can say, “Wow! You are really busy.”
In that case, the employee was obviously not doing what the CEO has said. The CEO was saying the opposite of what the worker was doing. The employee might feel embarrassed or other people listening might laugh at the sarcastic joke.
When do people use sarcasm? いつ皮肉を使うのか?
1. If a person says something which is already very obvious, we can utilize it. 誰かが明確な事を言った時に使える
One example is when your friend will say that Tokyo is the capital of Japan. This is a good situation for you to use sarcasm because most people already know this information. You could tell your friend, “Wow! You are very smart!”
2. If something bad happens to you, it is also a chance to be sarcastic. 何か悪いことが起こった時にも使える
A perfect example is when something very bad happens to you and you will say “Oh, this is just wonderful!”
3.If somebody makes a mistake, you can also joke about it using sarcasm. 誰かがミスをした時、ジョークとして使える
When your friend gets a low score on a test because he went to a party and did not study, you can say “You studied very hard!”
Intonation of voice and facial expressions are also very important to practice if you are telling sarcastic comments. You must also have a good timing in delivery and choose the appropriate vocabulary.
You don’t have to use sarcasm all the time but it is enjoyable to understand it. You have to be careful in using this because not everyone thinks that sarcasm is funny. You can hurt other people’s feelings too.
* Collaborative editing by CEGA’s staff and teacher Rhoda