





It’s raining cats and dogs! Isn’t it strange? YES, it may sound strange, BUT did you know that dropping odd phrases like this in your converstion will make you sound super cool and smart?

We call these phrases “Idioms and Expressions”. These are group of words that have hidden meaning which is sometimes far from its literal meaning when you read it.

Why do we study about this? Well, if you aimed to become more skillful as possible in speaking ENGLISH, you’ll need to know them. Here are some useful expression that you may drop in your conversation.

雨だ!猫と犬!  これ、なんか変ですよね? でも、このようなフレーズはあなたの会話をカッコよくスマートにすることができます。


※Raining cats and dogs:どしゃぶりの雨

例)It’s raining cats and dogs! どしゃぶりの雨が降っています。

1.Break a leg / 成功を祈る

It’s an expression used to wish good luck on someone. We use this when someone is going to take an exam, join a competition or even performances.

Example: I heard you will join a singing contest tonight! Break a leg!


例: 君が歌のコンテストに出場するのを聞いたよ!成功を祈るよ!

2.It’s on me / 私が出す

Most people use this expression when they want to say that they will pay for something for the others. You can use this expression when you hang out with your friends and family or even on dates.

Example: Since it’s my birthday, It’s on me!


例: 今日は僕の誕生日だから僕が出すよ!


3.Hang in there / 頑張れ

Do you have to hang yourself? No! It means hold on! Don’t give up! You can use this expression when you want to motivate or encourage someone.

Example: You are doing good on your studies. Hang in there! You can reach your goal.

自分のことを吊るしますか? NO!これは、止めるな!諦めるな!と言う意味です。 これは誰かのモチベーションを上げたい時や勇気を与えたい時に使えます。

例: 君は勉強をよくやってるよ。頑張れ!君ならできる!

4.On my way / 向かってる途中

This expression is used when you want to update someone that you are going to her or his place or somewhere.

Example: I’m on my way to your house, do you want me to buy something?


例: 今君の家に向かってる。何か買ってこようか?

5.So far, so good / 今のところ順調

This is an expression to say that at this point everything is fine. You can use this when someone ask you the progress of what you are doing or even asking how are you.

Example: A: How’s the seminar you attended? B: So far, so good! No dull moments.


例: A: セミナーはどうだった? B: まあ良かったよ!退屈じゃなかったよ。

6.Piece of cake / 楽勝、簡単

It means you find something easy. You can use this expression when you did something effortlessly.

Example: Everyone got good scores, well I think the test I gave was a piece of cake.


例: みんな良い成績を取った。テストが簡単だったね

7.Something came up / 用事が入った

For example, you already had a schedule or appointment but something happened or there’s something more important than your appointment and you have to do it.

Example: I am sorry teacher, I can’t go to school now because something came up, I need to go to the hospital.


例: 先生すみません、病院にいく用事ができたので今学校にいけません。

8.Lend someone your ears / ちょっと耳を貸してくれる?

It means listen. You can use this expression when you want someone’s attention to stay focus and listen well.

Example: Students, please lend me your ears. I don’t want to repeat what I have said.


例: 皆さん、よく聞いてください!何回も言いたくないから

9.It’s been ages / 久しぶり

It means it has been long time. You can use it in situations such us seeing someone after how many months or years.

Example: Hey Cath! Is that you? It’s been ages! You’ve changed a lot!


例: ようキャス!お前か?久しぶりじゃん。全然変わったね!

10.TGIF (Thanks God it’s Friday) / 花金・ハッピーフライデイ

This is to express that someone is glad because workweek is over. You can use it of course when it is Friday and you are so glad of it because weekend is coming and you can finally have a rest.

Example: TGIF! What are you planning for your rest day? or Thanks God it’s Friday! What are going to do tomorrow?


例: 花金だ!君のプランはなに? 神様ありがとう金曜日だ!明日は何するの?

11.Split the bill / 割り勘する

It means you have to divide or share the payment. You can use it when you hang out with your friends or anyone and you suggest to share the payment.

Example: Shall we split the bill? How much do we have to pay?


例: 割り勘しない?いくら払うの?

12.Give someone a hand / 手を貸す、助ける

It means to help someone. You can use it when you want to offer help to someone in need.

Example: You see someone bringing some stuffs and having some trouble. You can say Do you need a hand? Can I give you a hand? I’ll give you a hand, give me that please


例: 君は誰かが何かトラブルを起こしているを見た。その時、助けはいる?と言えます。何か助けは入りますか?

13.On cloud nine / 非常に幸せな状態

A feeling of extreme happiness. You can use this expression when someone is so happy or you are so happy.

Example: I was on cloud nine when I got the test score. or Maria is on cloud nine when she found out she’s one of the top students.


例: 私はテストで良い点をとってめっちゃハッピーだった。 マリアはトップの成績を収めた時、超ハッピーだ。

14.Once in a blue moon / ごくまれに,めったに

This means very rare. You can use this to express when some events,actions, or activities are done very rarely.

Example: Studying English once in a blue moon is not a good habit.
 I receive messages from him once in a blue moon.


例: 英語をたまにしか勉強しないのはあまり良い習慣ではない。

15.Think outside of the box/ 頭を柔らかくして考える

It means thinking creatively and produce something unique and interesting.

Example: I want students to think outside of the box ideas for their presentation.


例: 私は生徒にもっと概念に囚われずにプレゼンをして欲しいと思う。



イディオムは決して英語上級者だけが使用するものではありません。私は「It’s on me」、「On my way」などイディオムとは知らずに使っていました。それだけ身近なイディオムという事です。


例) We postpone the meeting. →  We put it off. (会議は延期しましょう)
How can I compensate? →  How can I make it up? (どう弁償すればいいですか?) 




“Learning English isn’t a piece of cake but hang in there! Teachers or someone will always be there to give you a hand, just lend them your ears and just feel free to think outside of the box. Never do the habit of studying once in a blue moon. You have to invest your time, effort and passion. Yes, studying English will take ages but if you will be successful on it, sure thing you will be on cloud nine. So, believe in yourself! Break a leg!”

* Collaborative editing by CEGA’s staff and teacher Michell