










それではフォーマルの英語とカジュアルな英語はどう違うのでしょうか。 それを理解するために下の表を見てみてください。

Have you ever read something or talk to a friend only to find out you could not understand a single word? You probably encountered English slang!

Slang is an informal type of English that includes acronyms and newly created words.Particularly popular among young adults, this casual form of speech commonly uses in blogs and other social media platforms where users usually gather.

And it is commonly used in spoken rather than in written. Take note that slang words are just informal so it is only fitting to use them in casual situations or conversation.

How does it differ from normal/proper English?To clearly recognize the differences, check out the table below:

Not accepted as standard English
Standard English
Informal (and sometimes can be “vulgar”)
Only few people understood this language
Understood by most English speakers


*These are just few of the many differences but we have just collected the easy ones for the students’ convenience in remembering them.

なぜスラング英語は存在するのか?/Why does this kind of language exist?



We can think of two most widespread factors: First, some individuals want to get away from ordinary. In other words, they want to sound cool or unique! Second is because of the influence of the environment that they are in or it can also be peer pressure.

So, here’s a rundown on some of the most common American slang.



例: ジョン: 「ビートルズのコンサートを観るのが待ちきれないよ!」

(adjective)-to be very excited and cannot wait for something to happen.

Ex: John: I can’t wait to see The Beatles’ concert.
Mike: me too. I’m amped!



例: 俺は明日のクラスをサボる

(verb) – to skip an event

Ex: I’m going to ditch class tomorrow.


(収縮) “I don’t know”の短縮版 若者の間でよく使われます

例: マイク:お前の夏のプラン何?
ジョン: まだわかんねー

(contraction) – this is the quicker and lazier way to say “I don’t know” and this word is popular among young people.

Ex: Mike: What’s your summer plan?
John: Dunno yet.


(名詞) 映画


(noun) – a movie.

Ex: Let’s see a flick this weekend.


(形容詞) 来てる(人気が)


(adjective) – to be in fashion or trending for a certain period of time.

Ex: Country music is in this year in Japan.


(名詞) カッコいい

例: アン:新先生見た?

(noun) – this means someone is good looking.

Ex: Ann: Have you met the new teacher yet? Mary: Yes, I have and he is a real looker.

Screw up

(動詞) しくった

例: ごめん、しくった。晩飯の予定忘れた

(verb) – to make a mistake.

Ex: Sorry I screwed up and forgot our dinner plan.

To flex

(動詞) 格好つける、キメル

例: アンドリューは新しい車で友達に格好つけようとしている

(verb) – to show off Ex: Andrew is trying to flex his new car to his friends.

To hang out

(動詞) 遊ぶ

例: 私と私の友達は毎週末ファミレスで遊ぶのが好き

(verb) – to go to a place when you have free time.

Ex: My friends and I like to hang out at a family restaurant every weekend.

To have a blast

(動詞) 楽しい時間を過ごす

例: 昨晩パーティーに呼んでくれてありがとう。楽しい時間を過ごせたよ

(verb) – commonly use among friends and has a more positive meaning.This means that something is fun, great or amazing.

Ex: Thanks for inviting me to your party last night. I really had a blast.


(形容詞) めちゃくちゃ、クッソ

例: めっちゃ悲しいよ。

(Adjective) – use freaking as a less offensive version of a curse word.

Ex: “I am freaking sad. (I am really sad.)


(形容詞) くたくたに疲れる

例: めちゃくちゃ疲れたから今晩のパーティーには行かない

(adjective) – comes from the United Kingdom, where it means “sleepy” or “really tired.

Ex: I won’t go to the party tonight because I am knackered.


(形容詞) やばい

例: もし君の彼氏がメールで別れたら、あなたの友達はこうやってリアクションする。 “はー?マジやばい”

(adjective) – a newer slang word for actions that are harsh or cruel.

Ex: If your boyfriend dumps you with a text message, your friend might react, “Whoa. That is totally savage!”



例: お前超カッコいい、 あれは最高のパフォーマンスだった

(adjective) – use to describe that someone is doing a great job.

Ex: “You slay, girl! It was an amazing performance.”

Nailed it


例: あれはちょっと賭けだったけど彼らはよくやった!そしてあの車は完璧だった。

– to comment on the successful, skillful and clever performance of something.

Ex: “It was a bit of a gamble, but they nailed it, and the car was perfect.”


(形容詞) とても疲れた

例: ごめんなさい、今晩パーティーにいけません、明日早起きしなきゃいけないし、とても疲れてます。

(adjective) – someone is very tired or exhausted.

Ex: I’m sorry, I cannot go to the party tonight, I’m beat and I have to wake up early tomorrow.


(形容詞) ハマる

例: 私はコカインにハマった友達がいます。

(on someone or something) (adjective) – being addicted to something and you cannot get enough.

Ex:“ I have a friend who got hooked on cocaine.”

To dump

(動詞) フル

例: アレックスは昨晩彼氏をフった。

(somebody) (verb)- to break someone’s heart or to stop having a romantic relationship with someone for some reasons.

EX, Alex dumped her boyfriend last night!


(形容詞) マッチョ

例: お前めっちゃマッチョだな! どうやったの?

(adjective) – someone who has a great muscles and bodies – maybe because they work out or they are into sport.

Ex: “Dude, you are so ripped! What’s your secret?”

Epic fail

(名詞) 大失敗

例: 彼は彼が面白くてチャーミングだと思っていたが、彼は大失敗した。

(noun) – use to exaggerate the idea of failing or doing something wrong.

Ex:“He thought he was being funny and charming, but no, he was an epic fail.”



So there you have it- these are just a few of the most common American slang words and phrases. Get yourself familiar with the slang words and find ways to make use of them. However, do be careful where and when you use them. Have fun acquiring new knowledge!

*Collaborative editing by CEGA’s staff, teacher Liezel and teacher Roxan